Advisory Statement
This website contains information and data related to climate and sustainability-related goals, commitments, statements and activities which may include forward-looking information based on a variety of assumptions, estimates, judgements, risks and uncertainties. The climate and sustainability-related content found on this website has been developed in accordance with currently applicable laws, regulations, standards and industry frameworks, where appropriate, and may change as these laws, regulations, standards and frameworks continue to evolve. This content may change as data quality improves or if any data needs to be restated.
The achievement of sustainability-related initiatives, plans, goals and commitments will depend on a variety of factors outside of our control such as development of technologies, changes in regulation and policy and economic trends, and there can be no assurance that they will be achieved. Such goals and plans may continue to evolve over time and may need to be updated, revised or modified, including as technologies, standards, best practices and applicable laws continue to evolve.
© 2025 Ridley Island Energy Export Facility Limited Partnership. All Rights Reserved. | Last update: 2025_01_20