Construction Updates
See Advisory Statement for important information related to the climate and sustainability content on this website.
Construction progress
Mar. 13, 2025
Overburden Removal:
- Uplands:
- Continue with overburden rock removal and fill placement West and Centre and East.
- Continuing with rock drilling and blasting in work areas West, Centre and East.
Rail Road and Utilities Corridor (RRUC):
- Continue with overburden removal in East RRUC North, Centre and South.
- Continue with fill placement East RRUC North, Centre and South.
- Continue with rock crushing in North RRUC East.
- Started culvert installation.
Permanent Concrete Works:
- Continue with Balance of Plant (BOP) foundations work.
Marine Updates:
- Currently 4 Derricks* fully mobilized and operational.
- Continued with falsework frame and pile installation on Piers 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.
*Derricks is a lifting device used for moving materials vertically and horizontally.
Night shift activities:
Night shift activities continue in support of overburden removal.
Construction progress
Feb 18, 2025
- Continue with overburden removal and fill placement.
- Continuing with rock drilling and blasting in work areas.
Rail Road and Utilities Corridor (RRUC):
- Continue with overburden removal in North, East and South RRUC.
- Continue with fill placement East RRUC.
- Continue rock crushing and aggregate production.
- Rail offloading pedestals – Complete.
- Start 69 kV relocation scope.
Permanent concrete works:
- Continue with Balance of Plant (BOP) foundations work.
Marine updates:
- 3 Derricks are fully mobilized and operational.
- Continued with falsework frame & pile installation on Piers 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.
Night shift activities:
To mitigate weather conditions and unforeseen challenges, the REEF project will begin night shift activities.
- Start Date: February 12, 2025
- Duration: 3-6 weeks
- Activity: Onshore civil construction
- Questions: Contact us

Construction progress
January 20, 2025
Uplands updates
Overburden removal
- Uplands:
- Continuing with overburden removal and fill placement.
- Continuing with drilling and blasting.
- Rail Road and Utilities Corridor (RRUC):
- Continuing with overburden removal.
- Continuing with fill placement.
- Beginning rock crushing activities.
Permanent concrete works
- Continuing with rail offloading foundations work.
Marine updates
- 4 derricks are fully mobilized and operational.
- Continuing with falsework frame installation on Piers 6, 7 and 8.
- Nearing completion of Pier 2 falsework frame installation.
Night shift activities
- Due to weather conditions and unforeseen challenges, the REEF Construction Management Team is considering commencing night shift activities.
- Efforts will be made to minimize noise and light impacts to the District of Port Edward residents by focusing night shift activities to the west side of Ridley Island when possible.
- Overburden will continue to be disposed of in an organics disposal site on the island.
- Potential Start Date: January 29, 2025
- Duration: Approximately 6 weeks
- Activity: Onshore civil construction
- Questions: Contact us

Holiday update
December 16, 2024
Most construction activities will be pausing from December 21st, starting back up in the New Year. Happy Holidays!
- Uplands overburden removal: overburden removal in the uplands area continues to progress.
- Rail, Road, and Utilities Corridor (RRUC): overburden removal and rock blasting for the RRUC work areas continues to progress. The rail offloading foundation concrete work is ongoing and set to complete Q1 2025.
- Permanent concrete works: while work is continuing with rail offloading foundations, concrete foundation work for the balance of plant is set to commence in Q1 2025.
- Marine updates: Four derricks are fully mobilized and operational. Crews are continuing with falsework frame installation on piers 4, 6, 7 and 8. On pier 3, crews have installed a permanent jacket and began installation of permanent piles. The third shipment of pile materials arrived Dec. 2 and was off loaded onto material barges.
Construction progress
November 21, 2024
Uplands updates
- Overburden Removal: Overburden removal is progeressing and 130,000 cubic meters of overburden have been hauled to-date.
- Blast Contractor: Blasting is underway, progressing in the RRUC as well as the jetty abutment area.
- Permanent Concrete Works: Rail offloading foundations is progressing and 100% of rebar cages are tied and 33% of the bases are poured.
- Power Line Relocation: Preparation for 2025 start is underway, with tree removal complete.
- Permanent Operations Office/Warehouse Area: Tree falling 95% complete in the SARA 2 permit area and mulching will begin next week.
Marine updates
- Currently we have 4 rigs mobilized and we are installing temporary piles/frames and permanent jackets/piles.
- The majority of the work to-date has been focused on Piers 02 through 07, with permanent piles completed at Pier 03.
- The 5th rig will mobilize in late November.

Construction progress
October 24, 2024
Uplands updates
- Overburden Removal: The removal process has commenced and is progressing.
- Jetty Abutment Stripping: The process of removing organic material from the Jetty area has been initiated and is ongoing.
- Blast Contractor: Mobilized and final preparations are underway. Blasting will begin in mid-October.
- Power Line Relocation: The first phase of relocation has been successfully completed. Additional power relocating work will begin in 2025.
- Rail Relocation: The contractor for the first phase has begun work in the outbound track area.
- RRUC Foundations: Currently planned to commence before the end of the month.
- PNG Pipeline: Relocation and isolation efforts continue to progress. Once isolated, the line will be decommissioned.
- Tree clearing: Tree removal will commence in early November and is anticipated to last approximately two weeks. There will be no burning, instead, materials will be mulched to be used for building access roads.
Marine updates
- Rig Saunders (Pier 3): Finalizing falsework for the installation of the permanent jacket structure. This jacket will support the permanent piles drilled into the ocean floor.
- Rig 6 (Pier 4): Preparing for falsework installation and splicing piles to extend their length for deeper water. Also welding drill shoes to the bottom of permanent piles for better contact with the ocean floor.
- Rig 8 (Pier 2): Installing additional falsework piles due to geotechnical conditions, with the crew is preparing for drilling. Two extra piles are being added to lock the falsework frame in place.

Construction progress
September 26, 2024
Uplands (Plant Site Area) and Rail, Road, Utility Corridor (RRUC) Progress: REEF has commenced removing overburden material. The material is being transported to the PRPA organic disposal site on Ridley Island. REEF is managing erosion and sediment control, removing stumps and brush, and repurposing shredded material to aid with equipment travel. Blasting operations will soon commence.
Upcoming RRUC Work: The outbound rail from the Ray-Mont facility will shut down on October 7, 2024, to allow for track realignment and foundations.
Upcoming Jetty Abutment Area: Starting October 2, 2024, archaeologists and local Indigenous participants will complete sampling, testing, and support with necessary monitoring work to support overburden removal.
Jetty: Installation of piles continued over the last month and more materials have arrived. Pile placement within platform two will continue shortly.
Power Lines: The 14 kV line system has been rerouted, with further clearing for the 69 kV lines scheduled for November.
Gas Line Removal: Crews are cutting and capping the gas line, a process expected to take two more weeks.

Construction progress
August 29, 2024
Throughout the month of August, we’ve advanced several jetty construction activities and continued ongoing Road, Rail, Utility Corridor (RRUC) preparations – building a strong foundation from the ground up.
Construction updates include the following:
Jetty construction updates
- Installed the pier 2 temporary falsework frames.
- Completed the fabrication of the pier 3 temporary falsework frame.
- Mobilized the pier 2 falsework frames to the project area.
- Drove vertical temporary piles and installed battered piles for the pier 2 frame, completing the cut-off on both pile elevations.
- Mobilize the pier 3 falsework frames and drive vertical temporary piles for the pier 3 frame.
Road, Rail and Utility Corridor (RRUC)
- Completed Prince Rupert Port Authority water stub abandonment.
- Light pole demolition and power reroute along the west and north portion of the RRUC.

RRUC makes progress
July 29, 2024
To date, construction activities have focused on site-clearing, drainage, and preparation for overburden removal. Now we’re ready to move forward with preparation for expansion of the Road, Rail, Utility Corridor (RRUC). Expansion of the shared RRUC on Ridley Island will allow REEF to deliver product via the CN rail corridor to the new facility for offloading and processing.
Thank you to our partners!
June 27, 2024
Thanks to our Indigenous partners, members of the community and various levels of government for joining us and our joint-venture partner Vopak, as we celebrated REEF reaching a positive Final Investment Decision! In an event hosted at the Prince Rupert Port Authority’s Interpretive Centre, we heard from leaders about what REEF means to them and their communities.

Jetty Construction Notification
June 27, 2024
Jetty construction on the REEF project will be occurring between July 10, 2024 and September 30, 2026, with mobilization of equipment beginning on July 2, 2024. For safety reasons, public access in the area is not recommended. Signs will be posted around the work area and the recommend travel route is around Coast Island. Please watch for these signs.

AltaGas and Vopak reach positive FID on REEF
May 29, 2024
We are excited to announce a positive final investment decision (FID) on the Ridley Island Energy Export Facility (REEF) project, a 50/50 joint venture with Royal Vopak.
We are anticipating the project will cost $1.35 billion and be in service by late 2026.

Earth Day Shoreline Cleanup
May 27, 2024
As part of AltaGas’ commitment to creating positive impacts on the environment, wildlife and our communities, we partnered with the Prince Rupert Port Authority for their annual Earth Day shoreline cleanup. With the help of roughly 95 local volunteers, we were able to address three areas:
- Northland Terminal and waterfront (in advance of our cruise season)
- Seal Cove Salt Marsh (prior to our Earth day celebrations)
- Hays Creek (fish bearing creek)
Cleanup Data and Facts
- An estimated 4km of shoreline in the community was cleaned.
- The total weight of garbage from this shoreline cleanup was 495 kg or 1089 lbs.
- Hays Creek collected the most amount of garbage totaling at 660 lbs.
- The highest quantity of collected trash (by type) was cigarette butts (923), followed by plastic pieces (287), paper (263), and soft plastic packaging (194).
- Random objects found include shopping carts, tires, tents, lawn chairs, sofa cushions, frying pan, umbrella, hose, shingles, and plastic siding.
In an effort to continue this momentum, AltaGas and Pembina Pipeline Corporation have committed to collaborating on one community clean up per month throughout the summer. Our first stop is Galloway Rapids rest area on May 24th. For information on future clean up locations and volunteer opportunities, contact Hannah Atchison,

Updating our Communities
April 11, 2024
Read about our recent REEF update to Prince Rupert and Port Edward Councils in the Northern View! We’re happy to share that we’ve received letters from both municipal councils.
Sharing the benefits of REEF
February 16, 2024
Thank you to Kitselas First Nation for the warm welcome last month at a dinner to celebrate the signing of a Mutual Benefit Agreement (MBA) for the REEF Project.
The MBA demonstrates the power of collaboration, respect, and mutual understanding. It is a framework that ensures Kitselas First Nation will benefit from the REEF project as it is developed.
We are proud of what we have achieved together, and we are excited for what lies ahead. We believe that by working together, we can create a brighter future for all.
Learn more about Kitselas First Nation:

Continuing Site Work at REEF
January 31, 2024
At the Ridley Island Energy Export Facility (REEF) site on Ridley Island, site preparation activity is continuing, and we are anticipating burning to occur throughout the month of February. Our preferred method is to use air curtain burners, but open burning is possible. For all activity at REEF, we follow safety plans and collaborate with local first responders and stakeholders. Reach out to us at with any questions or feedback.
REEF Project Responsibility Update
January 23, 2024
We are pleased to share that the Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) for the REEF Project has been transferred from Vopak Development Canada Inc. to Ridley Island Energy Export Facility GP Inc., on behalf of Ridley Island Energy Export Facility Limited Partnership, effective December 21, 2023.
The order confirms the formal transfer of responsibility for the project.
The Certificate still refers to the Vopak Pacific Canada Project because changing the project’s name to Ridley Island Energy Export Facility (REEF) is being requested in our EAC amendment application. The British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) began the review process for the application on November 17, 2023. In addition to the project name change, the application includes proposed updates or clarification to the description for the facility layout and to equipment at the REEF site.
Site Preparation at REEF
December 12, 2023
We’re happy to share with you that REEF has started site preparation activities after receiving permit authorization from the Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA).
PRPA has granted us the permission to start with vegetation removal as a first phase of the development of REEF, with the work to take place on the 190-acre site for REEF, leased to us by PRPA.
For more specifics on the permitting, check out PRPA’s news release: link.
To learn more about our plans for site preparation and other REEF updates, see our news release from November 14 in the Links section of Resources.
November 10, 2023
Today we are pleased to launch our new website for the Ridley Island Energy Export Facility (REEF).
We invite you to explore the website to learn more about the development of REEF, a joint venture partnership between AltaGas and Vopak.
We’d be pleased to hear your feedback. Please send your comments to
Thank you for your interest.
Have a question?
November 10, 2023
Do you have a question about REEF? There are several ways you can get in touch with us.
Please visit the Contacts page for more information, and email
We’re proud to be members of the Prince Rupert community, and look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your interest.
Safety is our number one value and is fundamental to what we do.
The safety of the communities we operate in, our employees and the environment we live and work in is paramount. As a leading North American energy infrastructure company, our experience in building major export facilities off the West-Cost helps drive continued progress while being anchored by safety.
As AltaGas and Vopak partners to build this critical project, the teams on the ground stay committed to getting the project done, safely and reliably.
© 2025 Ridley Island Energy Export Facility Limited Partnership. All Rights Reserved. | Last update: 2025_02_18